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Closing Gender Gaps in the World of Work

Closing Gender Gaps in the World of WorkOn Wednesday, 19th May 2022, the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce collaborated with the Internation Labour Organization (ILO) and Employers’ Confederation of Thailand (ECOT) to hold ‘Closing Gender Gaps in the World of Work: Companies Supporting Work-Family Balance’ webinar. In the webinar, we are honoured to have Mrs Kjersti Rødsmoen, our H.E. the Norwegian Ambassador, join us for a welcome speech, and Ms Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag, Founder and Managing Director of Felicia Design, our chamber’s vice president, join as one of the panellists.

With the intention and belief of the International Labour Organization and the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, Closing Gender Gaps in the World of Work webinar focused on ‘promising practices’ from the private sector and provided participants with practical measures that companies can take to support workers with family responsibilities, promote gender equality in the world of work.

Ms Parichat Phrajunpanich (Human Resource Director from Michelin Thailand), Ms Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag (Founder and Managing Director of Felicia Design) and Ms Siriwan Romchatthong (Secretary-General, Employers’ Confederation of Thailand (ECOT)) shared their inspiring views and experiences in the panel discussion. Also, ILO takes this opportunity to share the brief distributed to participants and ILO’s most recent report: Care at Work, which provides an overview of work-family policies across 185 countries. By the end of the webinar, the delegates get a better awareness, a new perspective and good case practice from the panellists to implement with their current situation.

We would love to encourage you to implement guidelines in your workplace. You can read a guideline from ILO to learn more about implementing this effectively and smoothly.

About International Labour Organization (ILO)

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a United Nations agency whose mandate is to advance social and economic justice through setting international labour standards. Founded in October 1919 under the League of Nations, it is the first and oldest specialised agency of the UN.

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