It’s Norwegian Constitution Day
The Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce would like to invite all Norwegians and people with a connection to Norway to celebrate the Norwegian Constitution Day, 17 May. This year, we are honoured to have our Ambassador, H.E. Ms. Kjersti Rødsmoen, to offer a celebratory message to everyone.
“On the 17th of May Norwegians all over the world celebrate culture, country and our constitution of 1814. We celebrate our democratic institutions and our King as constitutional Head of State. We celebrate our modern welfare state where income distribution and gender equality has brought social stability and economic prosperity.
Although we also this year will have to hold back our celebrations because of the global pandemic, we recognise that there are many things to be grateful for:
The Norwegian economy has bounced back and is doing relatively well. Norwegian businesses in Thailand continue to deliver beyond expectations. Exports of fresh Norwegian salmon to Thailand hit an all-time high a few months ago and Norwegian manufactured fertiliser continues to support millions of farmers feeding the Thai population. Thai-Norwegian engineering could recently celebrate the sail-off of a major oil platform module for its journey from Lam Chabang to the North Sea. Trade between our countries is steady, and Norway together with our EFTA partners (Non-EU European states) are prepared to take up free trade negotiations whenever Thailand is ready.
Ocean affairs continue to be high on both our countries’ agendas, and we are pleased to join efforts in managing and preserving it in a sustainable way. Thailand has become an important gateway for us to scale up initiatives on combating plastic pollution in the whole ASEAN region.
And finally, the people-to-people connections continue to flourish among the many Norwegians who have made Thailand their home, and among the many Thais who live in Norway. To all of you, I am thrilled to have this opportunity on the 17th of May to wish you a very Happy National Day. May the ties between Norway and Thailand continue to prosper to the benefit of our people’s well-being and happiness.”
The Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce proudly presents a celebratory page in Bangkok Post’s Business Section on 17 May 2021. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to our May 17 Activities’ Sponsors for their contribution to our communication campaign.
We hope that all of you are safe and are having a joyful day with your family and loved ones. Although, we have to celebrate this day differently from previous year, we would still like to invite all of you to celebrate the day virtually with us via Facebook and Linkedin.
Lastly, we would like to encourage you to join us in our virtual celebration by sharing your May 17 Celebration posts or create your own congratulatory message for the occasion by using our hashtags #NorwegianConstitutionDay #TNCC. Let’s share a joyful moment together!
The Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce Team