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Norwegian Chamber Participated in JFCCT Reunion 2017

On Wednesday, 7 June 2017, Ms. Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag, Vice President of Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce attended the JFCCT Reunion Party 2017 at the grand ballroom, Shangri-La Hotel Bangkok. The Reunion Party included a networking session, along with introduction of the newly elected presidents of chamber of commerce members and recognition of service for JFCCT members.

Group photo of JFCCT’s members by JFCCT

Back row:
John Casella (Honorary Treasurer of JFCCT, Board Member of Canadian Chamber)
Alexandre Dupount (President of Franco Chamber)
Supareak Charlie Chomchan (Director of Danish Chamber)
Paul Scales (President of Irish Chamber)
Ragil Ratnam (President of South African Chamber)
Vibeke Leirvag (Vice Chair of JFCCT and Vice President of Norwegian Chamber)
John Stevens (President of Canadian Chamber)
Robert C. Fox (JFCCT Digital Economy/ ICT Committee Chairman)
Firdos Ali Khan (President of Pakistan Chamber)
Francis Foo (President of Singapore Chamber)

Front row:
Sutharm Valaisathien (President of BeLu Chamber)
Pornpracha Wattanakijsiri (President of Finnish Chamber)
S.S. Phool (Vice President of India Chamber)
Ron D. Livingston (Vice Chair of JFCCT, Board Member of Canadian Chamber)
Stanley Kang (Chairman of JFCCT)
Isara Vongkusolkit (Senior Chairman of Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade of Thailand)
Kalin Sarasin (Chairman of Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade of Thailand)
Markus Lorenzini (President of German Chamber)
Timothy Wong (Treasurer of Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association)
Naim Moco (President of Turkish Chamber)
Steve Cheah (JFCCT SME Committee)
Chandra Hartono Jokowidjaja (President of Indonesia Chamber)