The Board of Governors of the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce is elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year. Any Premium or Corporate member can be nominated for election ahead of the AGM. One third of the Board of Governors must stand for election at the AGM. The newly elected Board elects the President among themselves. A President is elected for a period of two years.

Board of Governors

President Mr. Axel Blom (Norway Connect)
Vice Presidents Ms. Vibeke Lyssand Leirvåg (Felicia Design)
Board Secretary Ms. Charunun Sathitsuksomboon (Tilleke & Gibbins)

Mr. Jostein Aksnes (Seven Peaks Software)
Dr. Supareak Charlie Chomchan (Pacific Rim Rich Group)
Mr. Eirik Mork Knudsen (Aibel)
Ms. Ingeborg Kristensen (Krabi Spesialisten)
Ms. Kristine Anvik Leach (Jotun)
Mr. Pongsin Thepruangchai (Yara)
Mr. Anders Ranchil (Telenor Asia)
Ms. Gloyta Nathalang (Bangchak Corporation PCL)

Non-voting Members Ms. Thea Ottmann (Royal Norwegian Embassy)
Honorary Members

H.E. Ambassador Astrid Emilie Helle
Pol. Gen. Chavalit Yodmani
Dr. Kristian Bø
Mr. David Lyman
Maj. Choakdee Dhamasaroj
Ms. Duangjai Asawachintachit

Senior Advisors

Maj. Choakdee Dhamasaroj (Senior Advisor)