Dear members of the Norwegian business community in Thailand,

On behalf of the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok, I send you my warmest congratulations on this extraordinary 17th of May 2020. I would have wished to celebrate the day together like we are used to, but the Covid-19 situation is preventing us from doing so this year.

While Thailand is doing relatively well in managing the health challenges caused by the corona virus, the economy is severely affected by the shutdown of activities. All businesses, including Norwegian companies, have taken some very big hits over the last couple of months. Through it all, I am impressed that many of you have managed to operate your production and distribution close to normal. Thank you for holding up and for making sacrifices in dealing with the corona crisis. Please send my regards to all employees in Norwegian companies everywhere in Thailand. I hope they feel safe in these times of hardship.

Over the last two months, the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok has been particularly busy assisting Norwegian travellers and residents in Thailand. That does not mean that we have forgotten Norwegian companies and their employees. How could we? You will be essential in our efforts in getting back to a more normal situation.

The Norwegian economy is a very open one. We rely on exports and on our businesses abroad. We rely on free trade and open markets. The Norwegian government will continue to work closely with Thai authorities and other countries in finding solutions to the enormous challenges we now are facing. No one country can walk this alone.

It is time to rebuild and energise our economies. No one is more important than you – Norwegian businesses abroad – in ensuring that our exports and production pick up. Furthermore, you are of vital importance in representing Norway abroad; our products and our technology, but also our values. 

On this 17th of May, I am grateful that Norway, like Thailand, can breathe a sigh of relief as to the developments of the pandemic in our counties. We cannot be complacent, but hopefully we have put the worst behind us for now.

I am greeting you today to underscore that the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok will be there for you in the important days ahead. Together with the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and other partners in “Team Norway”, we are ready to roll up our sleeves and support you in any way we can so that Norwegian companies and our economy will succeed.

Norwegian businesses in Thailand make us proud, and we know you will continue to do so.

Stay strong and stay safe.

Happy 17th of May.

Gratulerer med dagen.

Yours Sincerely,

Kjersti Rødsmoen
Norwegian Ambassador