Annual General Meeting 2025
Annual General Meeting 2025
It is a perfect time to arrange an important meeting. Annual General Meeting is held once a year. It provides various opportunities for attendees to grow their professional circle. Consequently, as a member of the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, you are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting 2025 on Tuesday 29th April, from 18.30 to 21.00 hrs. at TBA.
The AGM is one of our most well-attended events where we get together, report our past activities and gain more insights into how we support our members. The AGM is also an excellent opportunity to meet with old and new friends to expand your network, also this year makes especially meaningful, as it remarks the 120th anniversary of Thailand-Norway diplomatic relations — a significant occasion honoring over a century of collaboration and partnership since 1907.
After the formalities have been completed, you and your spouse or a friend are invited to a complimentary dinner.
Event Details:
Date: Monday, 29 April 2025
Time: 18.30 – 21.00 hrs. (Registration starts at 18.00 hrs.)
Venue: TBA
- TNCC Members: Complimentary 2 tickets per one company
- Non-Members: Baht 2,000 + 7% VAT (Access to dinner session only)
18.00 Registration and Networking
18.30 Annual General Meeting (AGM) starts
19.30 Dinner
21.00 Event Closure
Documents for AGM: Please download the meeting documents via this link.
- We offer two complimentary dinner tickets per company. Please inform your guest’s required detail via the registration link.
- Any Member who is unable to attend the meeting may authorise another member as a proxy to attend and vote on his/her behalf. Participants must submit the proxy form to secure participation prior to the meeting. Please complete the attached Proxy Form and submit it to TNCC at [email protected] by 17.00 hrs. on Monday, 21 April 2024.
Special Thanks to Our Sponsors and Partners
This event wouldn’t be complete without tremendous support from all our partners. The platinum partners are Jotun Thailand Ltd.,and Norwegian Seafood Council. Also, we are pleasure to have Aibel (Thailand) Ltd. as gold partner and Yara (Thailand) Ltd , as a silver partner. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for their efforts in making this wonderful night happen.
We look forward to seeing you on 29 April.
For other interesting events, please click here.
18:30 - 21:00