Host a Student and Get Fresh Ideas into Your Business
Jönköping University educates many ambitious students and will have approximately 30 students enrolled at their partner universities in Bangkok next year. The students will combine academic studies at a Bangkok university while doing a final thesis or Internship project in collaboration with a company in the area. They are now looking for companies to host students.
To host a student is a chance to get fresh ideas into your business and expertise to solve relevant cases in your company.
The students will be available from late January until late May 2018 (2-3 days per week) and they will work individually or in groups of two during the internship. The students are aware of that they will not get salary for the thesis work nor the internship and they cover accommodation and food costs by themselves. The students already have VISA, accommodation, etc. Thus, your company will only invest in time.
The students are engineering students from the fields Production Management, Production Product Development, Mechanical Engineering, Logistics and Management Business and Industrial Engineering Business Management.
Thesis projects are on a higher academic level than the internship and the students must perform an investigation and present ideas for improvements of a process, workplace or product/service.
For more information, please see the enclosed document.
About thesis/internship projects
A competence matrix of the knowledge of the students
A competence matrix of the knowledge of the students and Student qualification – Mechanical Engineering
An interest form that you can send to us, before 20th of September