Cambodia – New Online Application for Foreigners to Obtain Work Permits
Tilleke & Gibbins, one of the region’s leading law firms and a staunch support of the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce issues a regional legal newsletter titled Cambodia – New Online Application for Foreigners to Obtain Work Permits.
Cambodia – New Online Application for Foreigners to Obtain Work Permits
On September 1, 2016, the Cambodian Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MOLVT) launched the Foreign Labor Centralized Management System, an online portal that provides a streamlined application process for foreigners to obtain work permits in Cambodia. From September 1 onward, all companies that employ foreign workers must submit their quota requests and their applications for work permits and employment cards through the online portal.
The Foreign Labor Centralized Management System can be accessed at The company that is operating the system, E-Solution (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., is entitled to a public service fee of USD 30 (KHR 122,500) per quota request for foreign labor, plus USD 30 (KHR 122,500) per request for a new or extended work permit and employment card. All fees must be paid through the bank system, and E-Solution will request and process the MOLVT’s official fees at the same time.
In the past, foreigners were required to undergo a medical examination from a government clinic in order to obtain a work permit. Now, foreigners can obtain a health checkup certificate from a clinic of their choice to request or extend a work permit and employment card. There is no requirement on how recent this certificate must be, but it must be certified by the Department of Occupational Health and Safety for a fee of USD 5 (KHR 20,400).
For the 2017 calendar year, the quota request must be submitted by no later than November 30, 2016, and applications for work permits and employment cards must be submitted by no later than March 31, 2017, failing which employers will face possible fines of up to approximately USD 900 (KHR 3.6 million) per violation.
If you have any questions about the new online application system for work permits or employment matters in general, please contact Tilleke & Gibbins at [email protected] or +855 23 964 210.
The PDF version of this newsletter can be downloaded from this link.