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Visit by Norwegian Foreign Minister to Bangkok

H.E. Ms. Kjersti Rødsmoen, Ambassador of Norway to Thailand hosted a cocktail reception on Tuesday, 30 July 2019 in honour of H.E. Ms. Ine Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway who was in Bangkok for the 52nd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Present at the reception were representatives of the  Board of Governors of the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce representing member companies Aibel, BlueStone, Felicia Design, Krabi Spesialisten, Norway Connect, 7 Peaks Software, Siam Kempinski, Starboard, SubseaPartner, Telenor, Wallenium Wilhelmsen and Yara together with  representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok and the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce.