Trade Figures for Full Year 2023 Released by Norway Connect
Trade Figures for Full year 2023 Released by Norway Connect
Norway Connect, our premium member, has shared trade statistics for Full year 2023. Full years 2019-2022 are included for comparative reasons.
Seafood exports to Thailand are down by 4% as compared to the same period last year, while fertilisers are down by 10%. The high figure in import from Thailand is due to Aibel Thailand exporting another Doggerbank module in May. That one module was NOK 1,242 million alone.
Looking at tourism to Norway, it’s also good to see that number of Thai room nights in Norway are improving. October was a record month with over 5,000 room nights (against 8,500 in 2019). Room nights are now 105% over last year and if we exclude December, which is not yet in, we are 123% above 2022. Northern Norway is the region that is showing the biggest increase with 133% over 2022.
Export from Norway for 2023 is split like this:
- Seafood 57% NOK 2,693 million
- Fertilisers 22% NOK 1,046 million
- Other goods 21% NOK 997 million
- Total NOK 4,736 million (=-4%) vs export from Thailand NOK 6,248 million (+16%)
Click button below to find trade statistics for the full year 2023 including the full years 2019-2022 for comparative reasons.
Full detailsAbout Norway Connect
We understand Norwegian business requirements and business culture. We offer the best of both worlds: A high level of integrity, Norwegian value systems, and management philosophy coupled with a clear understanding of Asian value systems allowing us to bridge to countries where we are present. Norway Connect has adopted a Code of Conduct to establish the highest principles and standards. These principles express professional ideals, which we display in our professional activities. Our experience and networks cover most sectors where Norway has a strong export focus, thereby giving our clients a direct channel to success.
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