Thailand Mobility Spotlight
As vaccination rates slowly increase across the region, immigration authorities in Asean have also begun relaxing their respective border controls to allow more freedom of movement in and out of their jurisdictions. EY summarises the key changes to entry restrictions and quarantine measures for Thailand as listed below.
Entry restrictions and exemption
All types of travelers including tourists can enter Thailand via one of the three schemes stipulated by the government and are required to register with the Thailand Pass system before flying to Thailand. All travelers must comply with disease control procedures and measures upon arrival in Thailand.
Quarantine and isolation measures
Travelers entering Thailand from 1 November 2021 are advised to check their eligibility for each scheme before travelling:
Exemption from quarantine (Test & Go): Fully vaccinated travelers who travel by air from eligible countries may enter Thailand without
quarantine. Travelers must have resided in that country for at least 21 days, provide a negative RT PCR Test result 72 hours before
boarding and have medical insurance with minimum coverage of US$50,000 for non Thai nationals. Upon arrival, travelers must wait for a RT-PCR test result at an approved SHA+ or alternative quarantine accommodation for one night or until they receive negative results, before they are free to travel any where in Thailand. As of 1 November 2021, a total of 63 countries are eligible for this scheme.
Sandbox Program: Fully vaccinated travelers arriving in Thailand by air from any country may enter Thailand, provided they travel only within a Sandbox destination and stay at SHA+ accommodation for seven days, taking one RT PCR test and self antigen test kit (ATK) test during that time. They must wait for the first negative RT PCR test result before travelling within the Sandbox area. There are currently 17 Sandbox destinations, including Bangkok.
Alternative quarantine: Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated travelers from any country entering Thailand are subject to 10 day (air
and sea entry) or 14 day (land entry) quarantine at AQ accommodation and will need to take two RT PCR tests.
Other updates
Since 27 September 2021, Ministry of Foreign Affairs has launched a new Stickerless E Visa Service (SE Visa Service) in 21 Thai Embassies in nine countries, namely Canada, China, Denmark, France, the Republic of Korea, Norway, Sweden, the US and the UK. SE Visa applicants can submit their applications, pay visa fees and receive their stickerless e visas through the website: without visiting the embassies offices. They will receive confirmation through email as evidence of their visa approval. Information on the visa will be linked to the immigration system upon their arrival in Thailand.
For more information about other countries in ASEAN, below is summarise measures for each country. Please click to the full report Asean Mobility Spotlight 11102021.
Please note that the information provided in this spotlight is updated as of 10 November 2021 and the changes to policies, restrictions and quarantine measures are being proposed and implemented on a regular basis.